• Work
  • Publications
  • Tools
  • Work:

    Currently I work as a head of Bid-Management at the IVU Traffic Technologies AG in Aachen. We develop solutions for public transport.


    In the past I worked at the Chair of Technical Computer Science (now Institute of Man-Machine-Interaction ) of the Aachen University. My research topics were methods of the usability evaluation of interactive systems (e.g. cell phones or driver information systems).
    • In the past I developed a tool for the formativ evaluation based on the GOMS-method named Trevis (Tool for Rapid Evaluation of Interative Systems). Following the link you will find additional informations as well as a runnable demo with full features. Trevis is used succesfully in research and teaching at different german universities. If you are interested in using a newer beta-version with additional features please contact me.

    • For my Ph.D. I developed a tool for the automatic Guideline based evaluation using an expert system: Reviser (Rapid EValuation of Interactive Systems using ExpeRt knowledge).

    For a list of my publications please visit the page publications.